prof. dr. Plazl Igor

Delovno mesto:
Katedra za kemijsko procesno, okoljsko in biokemijsko inženirstv
Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
, Večna pot 113
, 1000
Št. pisarne:
+386 1 479 8580
- University Diploma: Chemical Engineering, 1985, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana (FCCT UL)
- M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, 1989, FCCT UL
- Ph. D.: Chemical Engineering, 1993, FCCT UL
Training/Positions Abroad
- 16.09. 2003-16.03.2004, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA; Advisor Prof. Dr. Goran N. Jovanović (Fulbright grant)
- 16.09. 2014-28.02.2015, Oregon State University, Corvallis, ZDA (Sabbatical)
- 1989 (3 months), Forschungszentrum Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany
Teaching Positions at FKKT UL
- Full Professor of Chemical Engineering since 2010
- Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering 2004-2010
- Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering 1993-2004
- Assistant 1989–1993
Professional Positions
- Head of the Chair of Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering, 2012-2014, 2017-
- Head of Department of Chemical Engineering, UL FCCE 2009-2014
- Vice Dean of Faculty of Chem. and Chem.Techn. (FCCE), Univerity of Ljubljana 2009-2013
- Member of CAPE-WP of European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE)
- Member of the EFCE – Working Party on Process Intensification
- Member of the Management Committee MPNS COST Action MP1305 Flowing matter
- Member of the Main Board of Slovenian Chemical Society (2009-2017)
- Co-editor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Journal (CABEQ)
- Member of editorial board Kemija u industriji
Honors and awards
- Fulbright Grant, 2003/04 (U.S. Department of State)
Teaching assignments
- Fluid Dynamics (University Study Programme CHEMICAL ENGINEERING at UL FCCT)
- Dynamics of Chemical Processes (University Study Programme CHEMICAL ENGINEERING at UL FCCT)
- Chemical Microprocess Engineering (University Study Programme CHEMICAL ENGINEERING at UL FCCT)
- Transport Phenomena (Doctoral Programme Chemical Sciences at UL FCCT)
- Bioreactor Engineering - BZ1617 (Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences at UL)
- Microfluidic devices in bioengineering (04-1-05) Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences at UL
- Bioprocess engineering of biologic macromolecules, viruses and cells (06-1-03) Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences at UL
Research Fields (More information at SICRIS)
- Implementation of microreactor technology in biotechnology. (Research group: Microprocess Engineering Research Group).
- Microfluidics
- Transport Phenomena
- Applications of Microwaves in Chemical Industry
- Mathematical Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Processes
- Bioprocess Engineering
Participation in National Research Projects
- P2-0191 "Kemijsko inženirstvo" (Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Matjaž Krajnc)
Industrial Experiences
- The Mathematical Model of Nylon De-polymerisation, JULON, Chem. Ind., Ljubljana, 2001.
- R-5330-75568-04/04, R-5330-75568-01/05, R-5330-75568-01/07, 1/MK/2007, 1/MK/2008 - Razvoj novega materiala za jedro panela iz ekspandiranega perlita/Development of new isolation panel cores based on expanded perlite (2004-2009; UL FKKT – Trimo d.d.; Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- UL FKKT/UL FCCT - Technobell Ltd: Mathematical Modelling of Heat Transport in Industrial Heat Exchanger (2013-; Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- UL FKKT/UL FCCT – Aquafil.: Optimization of the Depolymerization Industrial Process (2012, 2013,2014-2916,2017-; Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- UL FKKT/UL FCCT – KRKA d.d.: From batch to flow chemistry (2017-; Primary Investigators Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl and Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl)
Participation in International Research Projects
- Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) project: H2O2 on a chip: intensification of continuous synthesis of high-purity hydrogen peroxide by application of an electrocatalytic microreactor. Grant No. L2-3161 (2021-2024); PI: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl; Partners: Belinka Perkemija d.o.o., KI, IJS.
- CELSA/20/012 Self-assembling Multi Layer Enzyme Network for Flow Biocatalysis (2020-2022, Principal investigator at UL Prof. dr. Igor Plazl)
- Slovenian-Franch bilateral project PROTEUS 2019-2020: Process intensification in the production of 2nd generation platform molecules (Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- HORIZON 2020, Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation, ERA chair project: COMPETE, Grant No. 811040 (1.1.2019-31.12.2023); Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl
- Slovenian-Hungarian bilateral project 2017-2020: MIO-enzyme-based multistep syntheses in continuous-flow microfluidic reactor systems (Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- Slovenian – USA cooperation in science and technology 2017-2018: project Theoretical and experimental study of biocatalytic processes in microreactors, Oregon State University (Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- FP7 PEOPLE - ITN Project - 608104 (2013- 2017) EUROMBR - European network for innovative microbioreactor applications in bioprocess development; Principal investigator at UL: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl, Igor Plazl
- FP7 KBBE - Collaborative Project - 312148 (2012 - 2016) BIOINTENSE - Mastering bioprocess Integration and intensification across scales; Principal investigator at UL: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl, Igor Plazl
- Slovenian – USA cooperation in science and technology 2015-2016: project Biocatalytic processes in microreactors with integrated nanosprings, University of Idaho and Oregon State University ( BI-US/15-16-049, Primary Investigator Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl)
- Slovenian – Chinese cooperation in science and technology 2014-2015: project Microwave-assisted nanoparticles synthesis in microchannels; Key Laboratory of Unconventional Metallurgy, Kunming University of Science and Technology;( Primary Investigator: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- Slovenian – Austrian cooperation in science and technology 2011-2012: Monitoring of bioprocesses within microfluidic devices, Graz Technical University (Primary Investigator: Prof. Dr.Igor Plazl)
- Slovenian- Croatian cooperation in science and technology 2010-2011: Organization of international thematic conference Implementation of microreactor technology into biotechnology (Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl)
- International Scientific Cooperation, granted through The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia - Research Project (2009-2010): Synthesis of ionic liquids and biotransformations with these solvents in microreactors. (Primary Investigator : Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl)
- Slovenian – Portuguese cooperation in science and technology 2010-2011: project Implementation of microstructured devices in biotransformation and bioseparation processes (Primary Investigator: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
- Slovenian – Bulgarian cooperation in science and technology 2009-2011: project Microbial transformations of steroids within a microchannel system (Primary Investigator: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl)
Participation in Infrastructural centers, Technology networks and platforms
- Competence Centre Sustainable and Innovative Construction (KC TIGR) 2010 – 2013 (Principal Researcher at UL FCCT: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl)
Selected publications
- R. Ambrožič, I. Plazl. Development of an electrically responsive hydrogel for programmable in situ immobilization within a microfluidic device. Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 6751 – 6764, doi: 10.1039/d1sm00510c.
- G.N. Jovanovic, M.Y. Coblyn, I. Plazl. Time Scale Analysis & Characteristic Times in Microscale-Based Bio-Chemical Processes: Part II - Bioreactors with Immobilized Cells, and Process Flowsheet Analysis, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 236, 116499, doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2021.116499.
- G.N. Jovanovic, M.Y. Coblyn, I. Plazl. Time Scale Analysis & Characteristic Times in Microscale-Based Chemical and Biochemical Processes: Part I - Concepts and Origins, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 2021, 238, 11650, doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2021.116502.
- A. Hubman, I. Plazl, T. Urbič. Inertial focusing of neutrally buoyant particles in heterogenous suspensions. J. Mol. Liq., 2021, 328, 115410, doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2021.115410
- F. Strniša, T. V. Sagar, P. Djinović, A. Pintar, I. Plazl. Ni-containing CeO2 rods for dry reforming of methane: activity tests and a multiscale lattice Boltzmann model analysis in two model geometries. Chem. Eng. J., doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127498.
- STRNIŠA, Filip, URBIČ, Tomaž, PLAZL, Igor. A lattice Boltzmann study of 2D steady and unsteady flows around a confined cylinder. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 1678-5878. [Print ed.], Feb. 2020, vol. 42, iss. 2, pp. 1-13
- VICENTE, Filipa A., PLAZL, Igor, VENTURA, Sónia P. M., ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. Separation and purification of biomacromolecules based on microfluidics. Green chemistry, ISSN 1463-9262, 21 Jul. 2020, vol. 22, iss. 14, str. 4391-4410
- Strniša, F., Bajić, M., Panjan, P., Plazl, I., Sesay, A.M., Žnidaršič Plazl, P. Characterization of an enzymatic packed-bed microreactor : experiments and modeling. Chemical engineering journal, ISSN 1385-8947. [Print ed.], 15. Oct. 2018, vol. 350, str. 541-550
- N. Miložič, M. Lubej, M. Lakner, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I, Plazl. Theoretical and experimental study of enzyme kinetics in a microreactor system with surface-immobilized biocatalyst. The chemical engineering journal, 017, 313:374-381
- Prašnikar, T. Urbič, I.Plazl. Microscale technology and biocatalytic processes. Part 1, How to minimize the gap between research and industry. Chimica oggi = Chemistry today, 2017, vol. 35, iss. 3, str. 18-20
- Prašnikar, T. Urbič, I.Plazl. Microscale technology and biocatalytic processes. Part 2, Scale-up case of surface enzyme-catalyzed biotransformation. Chimica oggi = Chemistry today, 2017, vol. 35, iss. 4, str. 12-14
- Pribec, T. Urbič, I. Plazl. Modelling reaction-diffusion dynamics in microsystems. In: Z. Kravanja, M. Bogataj, (Eds.) 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Amsterdam; Oxford; Cambridge, MA: Elsevier, 2016, 38: 1623-1628,
- G.N. Jovanovic, J. E. Atwater, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl. Dechlorination of Polychlorinated Phenols on Bimetallic Pd/Fe Catalyst in a Magnetically Stabilized Fluidized Bed. Chem. Eng.J., 2015, 274:50-60
- M. Lubej, U. Novak, M. Liu, M. Martelanc, M. Franko, I. Plazl. Microfluidic droplet-based liquid-liquid extraction : online model validation. Lab on a chip, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 10, str. 2233-2239
- R. Wohlgemuth, I. Plazl, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, K. V. Gernaey, J. M. Woodley. Microscale technology and biocatalytic processes: opportunities and challenges for synthesis. Trends Biotechnol., 2015, 33: 302-314
- U. Novak, M. Lakner, I. Plazl, P. Žnidaršič Plazl. Experimental studies and modeling of α-amylase aqueous two-phase extraction within a microfluidic device. Microfluid. Nanofluid., 2015, 19: 75-83
- N. Miložič, M. Lubej, U. Novak, P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl. Evaluation of diffusion coefficient determination using a microfluidic device. Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 2014, 28: 215-223
- M. Lubej, I. Plazl. Theoretical and experimental study of iron catalyst preparation by chemical vapor deposition of ferrocene in air. Chem. Eng. J., 2014, 242: 306-312
- M. Ilu, U. Novak, I. Plazl, M. Franko. Optimization of a thermal lens microscope for detection in a microfluidic chip. Int. J. Thermophysics, 2013
- Ungerböck, A. Pohar, T. Mayr, I. Plazl. Online oxygen measurements inside a microreactor with modeling of transport phenomena. Microfluid Nanofluid., 2013, 14: 565-574
- U. Novak, A. Pohar, I. Plazl, P. Žnidaršič Plazl. Ionic liquid-based aqueous two-phase extraction within a microchannel system. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2012, 97:172–178
- STOJKOVIČ, Gorazd, PLAZL, Igor, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. L-Malic acid production within a microreactor with surface immobilised fumarase. Microfluid. nanofluid. (Print), 2011, vol. 10, no. 3, str. 627-635
- ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona, PLAZL, Igor. Development of a continuous steroid biotransformation process and product extraction within microchannel system. Catal. today., 2010, vol. 157, no. 1/4, str. 315-320
- MARQUES, M. P. C., FERNANDES, P., CABRAL, Joaquim M. S., ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona, PLAZL, Igor. On the feasibility of in-situ steroid biotransformation and product recovery in microchannels. Chem. eng. j. 1996., 2010, vol. 160, no. 2, str. 708-714
- P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl. Microbiorectors. In: M. Moo-Young (Ed.-in Chief), Comprehensive Biotechnology, 2nd Ed., Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011, pp. 289-301
- TIŠMA, Marina, ZELIĆ, Bruno, VASIĆ-RAČKI, Đurđa, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona, PLAZL, Igor. Modelling of laccase-catalyzed L-DOPA oxidation in a microreactor. Chem. eng. j. 1996. [Print ed.], 2009, vol. 149, no. 1/3, str. 383-388
- POHAR, Andrej, PLAZL, Igor, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of isoamyl acetate in an ionic liquid/n-heptane two-phase system at the microreactor scale. Lab chip (Print), 2009, vol. 9, no. 23, str. 3385-3390
- ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona, PLAZL, Igor. Modelling and experimental studies on lipase-catalyzed isoamyl acetate synthesis in a microreactor. Process biochem. (1991), 2009, vol. 44, no. 10, str. 1115-1121
- POHAR, Andrej, PLAZL, Igor. Laminar to turbulent transition and heat transfer in a microreactor : mathematical modeling and experiments. Ind. eng. chem. res.. [Print ed.], 2008, vol. 47, no. 19, str. 7447-7455
- P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl. Steroid extraction in a microchannel system: mathematical modelling and experiments. Lab Chip, 2007, 7: 883-889.