prof. dr. Štefane Bogdan

Delovno mesto:
Katedra za organsko kemijo
Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
, Večna pot 113
, 1000
Št. pisarne:
+386 1 479 8560
Education Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Advisor: Professor S. Polanc. B.Sc., Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana. Post-doctoral Education Postdoctoral and teaching position, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, USA; Advisor: Professor H. O. Sintim. The Zürich School of Crystallography (90 hours of lectures and practical work), University of Zürich. Postdoctoral position, Dyson Perrins Laboratory and Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK; Advisor: Professor D. M. Hodgson. Teaching Positions 2011–present Associate Professor, Chair of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana. 2004–2009 Postdoctoral and teaching position, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, USA; Advisor: Professor H. O. Sintim. 2004–2009 Assistant Professor, Chair of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana. 2000–2004 Research and Teaching Assistant, Chair of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana. Professional Positions 2015–2017 Vice Dean for 1st and 2nd Cycle University Study Programs at Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana HONOURS/FELLOWSHIPS 2009 Fulbright Scholarship for postdoctoral research, University of Maryland. 2002 Marie Curie fellowship for postdoctoral research, University of Oxford. 2002 Guest of the American Chemical Society (ACS) 2002, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; mentor Dr. Kenneth Kirk 2000 XXX-Krka award (Award of KRKA pharmaceutical company for young researchers for their outstanding research in chemistry and pharmacy). TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS Undergraduate Programs 2000–2002 Organic Chemistry Practicum for students of Faculty of Pharmacy, 2nd year students, 2nd cycle. 2004–2011 Organic Chemistry for students of Faculty of Pharmacy, 2nd year students, 2nd cycle. Organomatallic and Supramolecular Chemistry for students of Faculty of Chemistry, 2nd year, 2nd cycle. 2011–present Organic Chemistry for students of Chemical Engineering, 2nd year students. Organic Chemistry III for students of Chemistry, 3rd year students. Organic Chemistry for Master students of Chemistry, 1st year, 2nd cycle. Biologically Important Molecules for students of Biochemistry, 1st year, 2nd RESEARCH INTERESTS Research Fields • Organic synthesis • Catalysis • Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry Participation in Current Research Projects P1-0179 Synthesis and Transformations of Organic Compounds. New Reagents in Stereoselective and Regioselective Synthesis of Amino Acids as Intermediates in Organic Synthesis (2015–2019).