Chair of Inorganic Chemistry
General Information
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry
Večna pot 113
1000 Ljubljana
tel.: +386 1 479 8000
prof. dr.
Meden Anton, Full Professor, PhD
Deputy head:
prof. dr.
Turel Iztok, Full Professor, PhD
Educational Activities
Bologna 1st Cycle Study Programmes
Mandatory Courses:
- General Chemistry (Anton Meden)
- Inorganic Chemistry (Anton Meden)
- Inorganic Chemistry II (Franc Perdih)
- Structure and Properties of Solids (Amalija Golobič)
- Spectroscopy (Barbara Modec)
- General Chemistry I (Saša Petriček)
- Inorganic Chemistry I (Alojz Demšar)
- Inorganic Chemistry II (Alojz Demšar)
- General Laboratory Practice (Bojan Kozlevčar)
- Chemistry (Saša Petriček)
- Fire and Fire Dynamics (Saša Petriček)
- General Chemistry (Iztok Turel)
- Inorganic Chemistry (Boris Čeh)
- Practicals in Chemistry (Romana Cerc Korošec)
- Laboratory Practice in General and Inorganic Chemistry (Nina Lah)
- Laboratory Practice in General and Inorganic Chemistry (Romana Cerc Korošec)
Elective Courses:
- Chemistry for Sustainable Development (Elizabeta Tratar Pirc)
- Methods of Syntheses in Inorganic Chemistry (Andrej Pevec)
- Inorganic Synthesis (Saša Petriček)
- Inorganic Chemistry II (Iztok Turel)
Bologna 2nd Cycle Study Programmes
Mandatory Courses:
- Inorganic Chemistry (Alojz Demšar)
- Bioinorganic Chemistry (Iztok Turel)
Elective Courses:
- Thermal analysis (Romana Cerc Korošec)
- Modern inorganic materials and catalysts (Romana Cerc Korošec)
- Fire Safety Analysis of Constructions (Romana Cerc Korošec)
- Coordination Chemistry (Bojan Kozlevčar)
- Crystal Structure Analysis (Amalija Golobič)
- Biologically active coordination compounds used in medicine (Iztok Turel)
Bologna 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programme in Chemical Sciences
- Synthesis and Reactivity of Inorganic Compounds (Alojz Demšar)
Research Activities
- Syntheses of Metal Carboxylates and their Derivatives; Research into their Application as Protecting Layers for Wood, and Type of Metal Ion Bonding in Wood. Application of New Scorpionate-type Ligands in compounds – models for the enzyme active sites
- Chemistry of Ruthenium Compounds. Synthesis, Physico-Chemical and Biological Characterization.Practical Applications (catalysis, dyes for solar cells, etc)
- Chemistry of Chromium, Molybdenum and Tungsten: Coordination Compounds and Oxo-Clusters
- Syntheses of Novel Anhydrous Lanthanoid Complexes from Oxides
- Metal-Organic Compounds: Research into Novel Metal-Organic Fluorides and their Applications in Catalysis
- Studies of Interactions of Metal Ions with Biologically Active Quinolone Ligands and Anti-Viral Nucleotide Analogues
- Synthesis of Vanadium and Zinc Coordination Compounds, Potent Inzulin Enhancers
- X-Ray Structure Analysis of Single Crystals (Coordination and Organic Compounds) and Powders (Ceramics)
- Sol-Gel Preparation of Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Exhibiting Ionic Conductivity
- Coordination Compounds of transition and rare-earth metals with curcumin and its derivatives
- Bonding of Metal Ions on Biological Macromolecules, e.g. Hialuronic Acid
- Chemical Stabilization of Metals in Contaminated Soil and Solid Waste
- Anaerobic Degradation of Glucose in the Presence of Cyanide
- Studies on the Deposition of Thin Films
- Development of Ionic Containers
- Thermal Analysis
List of Research Equipment
- System for Thermal Analysis - Mettler Toledo TGA/SDTA 851,
- Modular System for Thermal Analysis Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC1, with Mass Spectrometer Pfeiffer Vacuum and Nicolet 6700 FTIR Spectrometer
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter Metter Toledo DSC1, with optical Microscope Gloor Instruments
- DSCI and High Pressure DSC827 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), with Pco.sensicam for chemiluminescence measurements
- Incubator
- OxiTop WTW
- HPLC Cromatograph
- Polarisation Microscope
- Stereomicroscope
- SuperNova dual wavelength diffractometer Agilent SuperNova (owned by Centre of Excellence EN-FIST, run by UL FCCT)
- Diffractometer for monocrystal studies Nonius Kappa CCD
- Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer 2000 FT-IR
- Spectrophotometer Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 (possibility of ATR add-on)
- Spectrophotometer UV-Vis Lambda 750
- Fluorescence Spectrometer Perkin Elmer LS55
- MBraun Unilab
- R-210 Rotavapor Buechi with Julabo F250 Recirculating Cooler
prof. dr.
Cerc Korošec Romana, Full Professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Lavrenčič Štangar Urška, Full Professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Meden Anton, FullProfessor, PhD (head)
izr. prof. dr.
Modec Barbara, Associate Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Petriček Saša, AssistantProfessor, PhD
prof. dr.
Turel Iztok, Full Professor, PhD (deputy head)
prof. dr.
Perdih Franc, Full Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Čelan Korošin Nataša, Assistant Professor, PhD
izr. prof. dr.
Golobič Amalija, Associate Professor, PhD
asist. dr.
Grabner Sabina, PhD
doc. dr.
Kitanovski Nives, Assistant Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Kljun Jakob, Assistant Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Kozlevčar Bojan, Assistant Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Matoh Lev, Assistant Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Pevec Andrej, Assistant Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Počkaj Marta, Assistant Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Zupančič Marija, Assistant Professor, PhD
asist. dr.
Žener Boštjan, PhD
znan. sod. dr.
Kumar Praveen, Research Fellow, PhD
znanst. sod. dr.
Papan Djaniš Jelena, Research Fellow, PhD
Rani Mahima
Ravbar Miha
znan. sod. dr
Šuligoj Andraž, Research Fellow, PhD
Young Researchers:
Bertoncelj Urh
Hozjan Mišel
asist. razisk.
Jamil Qasim
asist. razisk.
Jakoš Jure
Poljanc Benjamin
Rapuš Uroš
asist. razisk.
Ullah Azmat
Professional Associates: