FKKT Library

Until further notice, it is not possible to borrow book materials from the UL FKKT warehouse.


Computers – To access the computers in the library, you need a UL digital identity. The UL digital identity comprises your username and password, which are used to log in on computers on the library premises and to access Eduroam.

For remote access to information resources from your home computer, use the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKUL) website.
Book return box – all users can return borrowed books outside library opening hours.
Enrolled library members can use special glass cubicles to study – see Terms and Conditions of Use.
You can book the glass-paned classroom on the second floor of the library for groups of students (minimum 4 to 5 people) – see Instructions:

Library opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 7 pm
Friday: 8 am - 6 am

Library working hours - lending:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am - 3 pm
Wednesday: 8 am - 4 pm
Friday: 8 am - 2 pm

Library address:
University of Ljubljana FKKT and FRI Library
Večna pot 113
1000 Ljubljana Library

e-mail address: 

Interlibrary loans e-mail address:

The FKKT and FRI Library manages personal bibliographies of researchers in Cobiss. The service is available free of charge to current and retired UL FKKT and UL FRI teachers and to enrolled students from parent faculties for the needs of obtaining a scholarship during their studies.
The Bibliography Form can be printed in pdf format. In order to determine the appropriate typology of the documents, the valid Typology of Documents/Works for Bibliography Management in Cobis is used, while for the categorisation of publications, the valid Sicris documentation applies. 

In order for an entry to be made in Cobiss, the following must be provided by email or delivered to the library:

- Filled in Bibliography Form
- Primary source (article or paper, journal, book, etc.)
- Corresponding proof (invitation, review, etc.) 

Benefits for UL corresponding authors when publishing open access articles, accepted for publications in 2024

All researchers are warned that the academic field is facing the problem of predatory journals and publishers and hijacked journals. Predatory journals invite researchers to publish their work for a fee and promise quality which they do not deliver. Hijacked journals assume the identity of legitimate academic journals with a similar or same title and mislead authors about the authenticity of the journal.

Head of Library:


Bibliographical entry and materials processing: