prof. dr. Žgajnar Gotvajn Andreja
Katedra za kemijsko procesno, okoljsko in biokemijsko inženirstv
Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
, Večna pot 113
, 1000
Office number:
+386 1 479 8579
Full Professor of Environmental Engineering
- B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering (1993) at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.
- Ph. D. In Chemistry (1998) at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.
Present Positions:
- Professor of Environmental Engineering (2020-) at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.
- Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Univeristy of Ljubljana.
- Deputy-Head of the Chair of Chemical Process, Environmental and Biochemical Engineering.
- Head of the Programme board of the doctoral study of Environmental protection at University of Ljubljana:
- 2020 - : Full Professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chair of chemical process, environmental and biochemical engineering.
- 2015 - 2020: Associate Professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chair of chemical process, environmental and biochemical engineering.
- 2005-2015: Assistant Professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chair of chemical, biochemical and environmental engineering
- 1995-2005: Teaching and Research Assistant at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chair of chemical, biochemical and environmental engineering.
- 1993-1995: Young Researcher at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chair of environmental technology
Research Fields:
- Biodegradation studies
- Bioremediation studies in aquatic compartments
- Wastewater treatment: advanced oxidation processes (Fenton, ozone, peroxide, different catalysts), biological treatment
- Fungal, bacterial, phyto-remediation,
- Solid waste management, landfill leachate treatment,
- Biochar production, characterization and application
- Ecotoxicity studies
- Risk assessment and hazard identification of chemicals
- Emerging pollutants
- Microplastics
Participation and leadership of research projects and programmes:
- Z2-3538 “Optimization of biological wastewater treatment plant using biodegradability and toxicity studies” (leader): 2001–2004.
- L4-3068 “The use of white rot fungi for degradation of synthetic dyes” (participation): 2001–2004 (leader dr. H. Podgornik).
- L2-6686 “Adhesion bonding systems with improved surface activity” (leader prof. dr. M. Krajnc): 2004– 2007.
- P2-0150 “Integrated approach to water pollution prevention” (leader prof. dr. M. Roš): 2005–2009.
- P2-0191 “Chemical Engineering” (leader prof. dr. M. Krajnc): 2009 – .
- N2-0129 PLANTERASTICS – “Interactions of microplastics with floating plants” (leader Assist. Prof. dr. G. Kalčikova): 2019–2021.
- Slovenia-Slovakia project "Methodology for evaluation of biotreatability improvement of heavily polluted wastewaters after chemical treatment" (leader): 2006-2008.
- Slovenia-Slovakia project "Degradation of selected harmful compounds by ozonation" (leader): 2011-2012.
- Slovenia-USA project "Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for Removal of Endocrine Disruptive Chemicals (EDCs)" (leader): 2011-2012.
- Slovenia-Romania project "Advanced oxidation processes for removal of hazardous pollutants from landfill leachate" (leader): 2012-2013.
- IP ERASMUS Project 2012-2015: “Green Chemistry” (coordinator).
- Erasmus KA2-HE-14/15 project Environmental protection and Natural Disasters (coordinator).
- Slovenia-USA project "Development of a Treatability Protocol for Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs)" (leader): 2015-2016.
International Experiences:
- October 2007 (30 days): Visiting researcher at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- September 2008 (30 days): Visiting researcher at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- February 2010 (5 days): Visiting professor (ERASMUS Teaching Exchange) at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection, Brno, Czech Republic.
- October 2010 (4 days): Visiting professor (ERASMUS Teaching Exchange) at Trondheim Technical University, Norway.
- February 2011 (5 days): Visiting professor (ERASMUS Teaching Exchange) at Gediminus Technical University in Vilnius, Lithuania.
- September 2011 (30 days): Visiting researcher at Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, USA.
- March 2012 (5 days): Visiting professor (ERASMUS Teaching Exchange) at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- September 2012 (30 days): Visiting researcher at Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, USA.
- March 2013 (15 days) Lecturer and Organiser of Summer School Green Chemistry – A Chalenge for European Universities, Berlin: IP ERASMUS (Green Chemistry), Germany.
- May 2013 (6 days): Visiting professor at University of Gdansk, Faculty of Chemistry. Gdansk,Poland.
- April 2014 (15 days) Lecturer and Organiser of Summer School Green Chemistry – A Chalenge for European Universities, Malta: IP ERASMUS (Green Chemistry).
- May 2014 (5 days): Visiting professor at University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Lisbon, Portugal.
- April 2015 (5 days): Visiting professor at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bratislava, Slovakia.
- May 2016 (5 days) Visiting professor at Instituto Politechnica de Lisboa (IPL), Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Lisbon.
- September 2016 (15 days): Visiting researcher at Tulane University, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, USA.
- May 2017 (5 days): Visiting professor at University of Brescia, Faculty of Chemistry, Italy.
- January - April 2018 (90 days): Visiting teacher and researcher at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Slovakia (Funded by Slovenian Ministry of Science and Education).
- September 2018 (5 days): Visiting professor at University of Science, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Lisbon.
- June - July 2019 (30 days): Visiting researcher at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Slovakia (Funded by SAIA, Slovakia).
- May 2019 (5 days): Visiting professor at University of Jaen, Spain.
- December 2019 (6 days): Visiting professor at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
- June - July 2020 (30 days): Visiting researcher at Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Slovakia (Funded by SAIA, Slovakia).
- May 2021 (7 days): Erasmus Teaching Exchange at Jurij Strossmayer Univeristy Osijek, Department of Chemiatry, Croatia.
- June-July 2021 (24 days): Erasmus Teaching and Training Exchange at Slovak Technical University Bratislava –STUBA, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, Slovakia.
- March 2022 (5 days): Erasmus Teaching Exchange at Jurij Strossmayer University Osijek, Department of Chemistry, Croatia.
Involvement in summer schools, seminars and workshops for PhD students:
- International Summer School 2016 for doctoral students in the framework of ERASMUS + project KA2-HE-14/15 (title Environmental Protection and Natural Disasters, UL): Environmental Protection (summer school program leader).
- International Summer School 2017 for doctoral students in the framework of ERASMUS + project KA2-HE-14/15 (title Environmental Protection and Natural Disasters, UL): Natural Disaster.
Involvement in International Scientific Courses:
- Intensive Short Course on Ecotoxicology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tempus JEP 4724-93/2 project, 1994.
- Contaminated Sediment Assessment (A short course presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe), Taormina, Italy, 1996.
- EWPCA (European Water Pollution Control Association) workshop on Legislation and Water Quality Management, Zagreb, Croatia, 1996
- 7th International Summer School Waste-Wastewater-Water: Trends, Problems and Solutions in Europe, Weimar, Germany, 1999.
- EURO Summer School BioIMED: Biofilms in Industry Medicine and Environmental Biotechnology, University of Ireland, Galway, 2003.
- Workshop on Classic and Emerging Environmental Contaminants: from Lakes to Oceans, EAWAG, Duebendorf, Switzerland, 2005.
Bologna 1st Cycle Programmes
- Introduction to environmental engineering (study programme of Chemical engineering at UL, FKKT)
- Industrial processes and sustainable development (study programme of Chemical technology at UL, FKKT)
- Environmental protection I (study programme of Technical safety at UL, FKKT)
- Practical course in chemical engineering (study programme of Chemical engineering at UL, FKKT)
Bologna 2nd Cycle Programmes
- Environmental protection technologies processes (study programme of Chemical engineering at UL, FKKT)
- Industrial ecology and clean technology (study programme of Chemical engineering at UL, FKKT)
- Bioremediation technologies (study programme of Chemical engineering at UL, FKKT)
- Environmental risk (study programme of Technical safety at UL, FKKT)
Bologna 3rd Cycle Programmes
- Selected topics in environmental engineering (study programme of Chemical sciences at UL, FKKT)
- Chemistry and environmental technology engineering (study programme of Environmental protection at UL)
- Waste management (study programme of Environmental protection at UL)
- Industrial ecology (study programme of Environmental protection at UL)
Involvement in Courses for University Teachers:
- 8th Summer School How to encourage active study at universities, Slovenia, 1999.
- 9th Summer School Teacher as the leader of active study, Slovenia, 2000.
- Seminar Examination and Assessment of students, Slovenia, 2001.
- 12th Summer School Setting up problems to motivate students, Slovenia, 2004.
- Seminar Application of Advanced teaching methods in university education, Slovenia, 2007.
- Winter School How to encourage active study at universities, Slovenia, 2009.
- Seminar Rhetoric in Slovenian language for university teachers, Slovenia, 2016.
- Seminar How to work in international groups of students, Slovenia, 2017.
Membership of professional bodies:
- Member of EWA (European Water Association)
- Member of SDZV (Slovenian Water Pollution Control Association)
- Member of IWA (International Water Association)
- Member of Slovenian Nuclear Society
- Member of Slovenian Chemical Society
- Member of the Council for Environmental Protection at Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Current Events:
- N2-0129 PLANTERASTICS – “Interactions of microplastics with floating plants
- Doctoral school at UL
- Guest Editor of Special Issue Removal of Micropollutants by Ozone-Based Processes for the journal Processes (ISSN 2227-9717,
- Keystone: Doctoral study programmes at Univeristy of Ljubljana
- Member of Learning Community Global Connections