Chair of Chemical Process, Environmental and Biochemical Engineering
General Information
Chair of Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
Večna pot 113
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: + 386 (0) 1 479 8572
Tel: +386 1 479 8000
prof. dr.
Plazl Igor Full Professor, PhD
Deputy head:
prof. dr.
Žgajnar Gotvajn Andreja Full Professor, PhD
Educational Activities
Bologna 1st Cycle Study Programmes
Chemical Engineering – UN:
- Fundamentals of engineering
- Fluid Mechanics
- Chemical engineering laboratory
- Biotechnology (elective course)
- Introduction to environmental engineering (elective course)
- Mechanical and hydro dynamical operations (elective course)
Biochemistry – UN:
- Fundamentals of biochemical engineering (elective course)
Technical Safety – UN:
- Environmental protection I
- Fundamentals of process engineering
Chemical Technology - VS:
- Fundamentals of biochemistry with biotechnology
- Introduction to chemical engineering
- Unit operations in chemical engineering
- Industrial processes and sustainable development
- Processes and equipment in biotechnology (elective course)
Bologna 2nd Cycle Master Study Programmes
Chemical Engineering – UN:
- Catalysis and heterogeneous reaction systems
- Bioprocess engineering
- Environmental protection technology processes
- Chemical engineering dynamics
- Chemical microprocess engineering
- Rheology of complex fluids (elective course)
- Industrial ecology and clean technology (elective course)
- Bioreactor engineering (elective course)
- Chemical process design (elective course)
- Bioremediation technologies (elective course)
- Biotransformations (elective course)
Technical Safety - UN
- Environmental risk
- Environmental protection technology processes (elective course)
Bologna 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programmes
- Advanced Bioprocess Engineering
- Applied Transport Phenomena
- Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering
- Selected Topics in Chemical Reaction Engineering
Extramural Courses
Bologna 1st Cycle Study Programmes
- Chemical and physical principles (Academy of Fine Arts and Design)
- Natural sciences in restoration I, II, III (Academy of Fine Arts and Design)
- Unit operations in food industry – UN (Biotechnical Faculty)
Bologna 2nd Cycle Master Study Programmes
- Industrial biochemical engineering (Biotechnical Faculty)
Bologna 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programmes
- Environmental chemistry and technology – UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Environmental Protection
- Industrial ecology – UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Environmental Protection
- Waste management - UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Environmental Protection
- Processing and technology in food industry - UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences
- Miniaturization in bioprocessing – UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences
- Bioprocess modelling - UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences
- Microbial biotechnology - UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences
Research Activities
Research in the field of process engineering:
- Transport phenomena
- Planning and optimization of chemical and biochemical processes based on modeling
- Microfluidics and microreactor engineering (MRT)
- Process intensification (PI)
- Rheology of complex fluids
Research in the field of biochemical engineering
- Research and development of biotransformations in microflow systems
- Immobilization of biocatalysts in microflow reactors
- Isolation of bioproducts in microflow systems
- Integration of processes in microflow systems
- Extraction of enzymes by filamentous fungi
Research in the field of environmental engineering:
- Advanced oxidation processes for treatment of heavily polluted wastewaters
- Bioremediation technologies for removal of pollutants
- Anaerobic degradation of pollutants
- Evaluation of wastewater treatment efficiency using biotests
- Assessment of environmental impact of compounds and wastewaters
- Sustainable waste management
- Environmental impact of microplastics and development of methods for their removal from the environment
National projects
- MicroBIOplast, J1-50014 (2023-2026) Effects of biodegradable microplastics on freshwater and terrestrial organisms. PI at FCCT: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kalčíková, in collaboration with Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana (leader), Faculty of chemistry and chemical technology University of Ljubljana, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute
- PLASTsensing, J1-4415 (2023–2026) Investigating the environmental fate of microplastics and their effects on model organisms through structural and chemical imaging. PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kalčíková,
- PLAStouch, N2-0298 (2023–2026), Interactions of environmentally relevant microplastics and biotic surfaces in the aquatic environment. PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kalčíková,
- L2-3161 (2021–2024) H2O2 on a chip: intensification of continuous synthesis of high-purity hydrogen peroxide by application of an electrocatalytic microreactor. PI: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl
- Plasti-C-Wetland, J2-2491 (2020–2023) Impact of microplastics on constructed wetland. PI: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kalčíková,
- J4-1775 (2019–2023) Development of microflow systems for bacterial cell analysis, selection, and application. PI: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl
- UL for sustainable society - ULTRA, pilot projects (2023–2025): Zelen prehod v kemijski tehnologiji. Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Dr. Rok Ambrožič (the project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the European Union - NextGenerationEU. The project is implemented under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism)
International projects
- Horizon Europe – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral network Project (2023–2027) GreenDigiPharma – Green and digital continuous-flow pharmaceutical manufacturing; PI at UL: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl
- – (2022-2025) BioMAT4Eye – Neoteric Biomaterials for hIPSCs Monitorized Differentiation to RGCs: Creation, Microfabrication & Microfluidics, PI at UL: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl
- EU H2020 - Papillons, Plastics in agriculture: impacts, lifecycles & long-term sustainability (2021–2025), PI at UL FCCT: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kalčíková,
- PRIORITY, Plastics Monitoring, Detection, Remediation, Recovery (COST Action, 2021–2025), Member of the official committee: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gabriela Kalčíková,
- Horizon 2020 – ERA Chair projekt - 811040 (2019–2022) COMPETE – Chair of Micro Process Engineering and Technology, Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl
- CELSA project (2020–2022): Self-assembling Multi-Layer Enzyme Network for Flow Biocatalysis, Selfembed, PI at UL: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl
Cooperation with industry
- Belinka Perkemija
- AquafilSLO
- Acies Bio d.o.o., Ljubljana: Development of microflow systems for bacterial cell analysis, selection and application , Grant No.: J4-1775 (2019–2022)
- Krka, d.d., Novo mesto: Development of methodologies and procedures for the synthesis and isolation of selected active ingredients; Grant No.: RRU/07-2017 (2017–2018). Grant No.: RRU/02-2021 (2021–2022)
Bilateral projects
- J4-4562 (2022–2025) Biocatalytic process intensification using deep eutectic solvents in microflow systems for sustainable waste valorization – BioInDES, PI: Prof. Dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl; Partner: Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- N2-0067 (2017–2021) MIO-enzyme-based multistep syntheses in continuous-flow microfluidic reactor systems, PI: Prof. Dr. Igor Plazl; Partner: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Hungary
List of Research Equipment
- Aerobic digester W11-A
- Luminometer LUMIStox Dr. Large
- Jar test apparatus Aqualytic AL 50 Floc-Tester
- Centrifuge Domel Centric 260R
- Incubator OxiTop-box
- Incubators i WTW xylem TS 608/2-i
- Laboratory constructed wetland with continuous flow
- pH and ion meter Seven2Go S8
- Microplate reader BioTek Synergy LX multi-mode reader
- TOC analyzer AnalytikJena multi N/C 3100
- Ozone system Wedeco Modular HC
- WTW xylem OxiTop BSB BOD DBO system in OxiTop-i B system
- Stereo microscope Motic SMZ-171
- Shaker Labnet Orbit 1900
- Shaker Tehtnica Železniki, 2x
- Drier Heraeus function line
- Drier Kambić SP-55 Easy
- Ultra centrifugal mill Retsch ZM 300
- UV-VIS spectrophotometer Varian Cary 50, 2x
- Halogen Moisture Analyzer Metler Tolledo HR83
- Autoclave 216 L Sujteska Beograd
- Autoclave Tuttnauer 2840EL
- Autoclave Tuttnauer 3870ELV
- Centrifuge Domel Centric 350
- Centrifuge Sigma 3-18KS
- Centrifuge Tehtnica Centric 350
- Centrifuge Heraeus Biofuge RS
- Digital micrometer dimension gauge Mitutoyo
- Electrical source Life Sciences PowerEase 90W
- Invitrogen Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer
- Photometer Iskra MA9510
- FT-IR infrared spectrometer Metler Tolledo ReactIR 702L
- Injection pump Essi Tech, 4x
- Injection pump Harvard Apparatus PHD 4400, 4x
doc. dr.
Ambrožič Rok, Assistant Professor, PhD
izr. prof. dr.
Kalčikova Gabriela, Associate Professor, PhD
izr. prof. dr.
Likozar Blaž, Associate Professor, PhD (supplementary),
prof. dr.
Plazl Igor, Full Professor, PhD (head)
prof. dr.
Žgajnar Gotvajn Andreja, Full Professor, PhD (deputy head)
prof. dr.
Žnidaršič Plazl Polona, Full Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Putar Ula, Assistant Professor, PhD
asist. dr.
Menegatti Tadej, PhD
asist. razisk.
Božinović Marko
Jamnik Polona
Novak Janja
Salehidashtbayaz Masoumeh Sepideh
Seručnik Mojca
asist. razisk.
Starin Mark
Young Researchers:
Professional Associate: