Chair of Analytical Chemistry
General Information
Chair of Analytical Chemistry
Večna pot 113
1000 Ljubljana
prof. dr.
Kolar Mitja, Full Professor, PhD
Deputy head:
izr. prof. dr.
Kočar Drago, Associate professor, PhD
Educational Activities
Bologna 1st Cycle Study Programmes
Chemistry - UN
- Analytical Chemistry I
- Analytical Chemistry II
- Instrumental analysis
- Practical course in instrumental methods and instrumental analysis
- Practical course in analytical chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
- Practical approaches in analytical chemistry
Biochemistry - UN
- Instrumental Analytical Methods
- Chemical analysis of foodstuffs
Chemical Engineering – UN
- Instrumental Analytical Methods
- Practicals in Instrumental Analysis
Technical Safety – UN
- Measurements in Work Environment
Chemical Technology – VS
- General practical courses
- Analytical Chemistry I
- Analytical Chemistry II
- Analytical Chemistry III
- Environmental Chemistry
- Quality assurance in analytical laboratory
Other - Faculty of Pharmacy
UN Pharmacy
- Analytical Chemistry
UN Laboratory biomedicine
- Analytical Chemistry
Other - Faculty of Education
UN Two-subject Teacher
- Analytical Chemistry
- The Fundamentals of Chemistry of the Environment
Bologna 2nd Cycle Study Programmes
Chemistry UN
- Analytical methods for characterisation of materials and biological systems
- Spectrochemical analysis
- Chemmometry and quality assurance of analysis results
- Water as a hydrogeological, ecological and analytical system
- Applied Electrochemistry
- Characterisation and stability of materials from cultural heritage
- Computer modelling of relations between molecular structure and properties (QSAR/QSPR)
Chemical Education - UN
- Analytical Chemistry for Schools
Technical Safety – UN
- Instrumental Analysis and Monitoring
Biochemistry - UN
- Bioanalytical Chemistry
Bologna 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programme
Doctoral Programme in Chemical Sciences
- New Fields in Analytical Chemistry
- Approaches in Modern Analytical Chemistry
UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Environmental Protection:
- Chemical Processes in the Environment
- Analytical Chemistry in Environmental Control
UL Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences:
- Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in Ecosystems
Research Activities
The core activity is the development of new analytical methods, procedures and instrumentation, as well as the study of reaction systems and equilibria important in analytical chemistry. Major research areas include chromatography, spectroscopy, electroanalytical techniques, flow analysis, chemometrics, and automated and robotic analysis.
Areas of focus include in particular the study of interactions between metals and antibiotics/chemotherapeutics, pesticides and humic substances; research and characterisation of chemical species; studies of the role of transition metals in oxidative media; characterisation and stabilisation of organic materials, especially polymeric ones; study of electrode processes and the development of voltammetric analysis techniques and sensors; study of separation and preconcentration processes (dialysis, solid-phase extraction); theoretical aspects of separation systems in ion chromatography; food analytics (wine, meat and cheese); trace metal analytics; development of atomic spectroscopy procedures (AAS, ICP-MS); atmospheric chemistry; applications of chemometric approaches in analytical chemistry. The Heritage Science Laboratory Ljubljana (HSLL) also operates within the chair.
Collaborations have also been developed with foreign universities (UCL University College London, SIU Carbondale, USA, Universities of Warsaw and Krakow, Poland, Karl Franzens University Graz and University of Vienna, Austria, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, University of Hull, UK and University of Lisbon, Portugal) and many other institutes. Research partners in Slovenia include the National Institute of Chemistry, the Jozef Stefan Institute, the National and University Library, the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, the Agricultural Institute, the Faculty of Pharmacy and others.
Within the UL, the Chair of Analytical Chemistry manages the platform for ESFRI European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science.
Cooperation with industry includes service activities, seminars and applied research and development of prototype analytical instruments.
List of Research Equipment
- Liquid chromatograph Vanquish with tandem mass spectrometer TSQ Quantis (Thermo Scientific)
- Liquid chromatograph with tandem mass spectrometer LC-IT-TOF (Shimadzu)
- Liquid chromatograph UltiMate 3000 (Thermo Scientific)
- 3 liquid chromatographs 1100 (HP)
- Gas chromatograph Trace 1310 with tandem mass spectrometer TSQ 9000 (Thermo Scientific)
- Gas chromatograph FOCUS with mass spectrometer ISQ (Thermo Scientific)
- Gas chromatograph 7890A with mass spectrometer 5975C (Agilent Technologies)
- Gas chromatograph 6890 with ECD and FID detection (HP)
- Gas chromatograph Trace 1300 with FID detection (Thermo Scientific)
- Ion chromatograph 761 Compact (Metrohm)
- Ion chromatograph DX 500 (Dionex)
- Ion chromatograph ICS-5000 (Dionex)
- Ion chromatograph Integrion (Thermo Scientific)
- Capillary electrophoresis 270A-HT (Applied Biosystems)
- Thermal desorption and pyrolysis system TDS 3 (Gerstel)
- Autosampler for thermal desorption TDS-A (Gerstel)
- Olfactometric detector Phaser (GL Science)
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat M283, M273 (EG&G PARC)
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat Autolab-PGstat204 (Metrohm)
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat Autolab-PGstat302N (Metrohm)
- Autotitrator 799 GPT Titrino (Metrohm)
- Karl Fischer titrator DL38 (Mettler Toledo)
- Spectroelectrochemical instrument SPELEC UV-VIS (Metrohm Dropsens)
- Atomic absorption spectrometer AAnalyst 600 (Perkin-Elmer)
- Atomic absorption spectrometer AA 240 (Varian)
- Atomic absorption spectrometer AA 200 (Varian)
- Optical emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma 5100 (Agilent)
- Elemental mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma Elan 6100 (Perkin Elmer)
- UV-VIS spectrophotometer Cary 50 (Varian)
- Microwave splitting and extraction system Ethos UP, Milestone
- 2 climate chambers ClimeEvent C/180/0 (Weiss Technik)
- Microfadometer (Instytut Fotonowy)
Together with NUK:
- Spectrofluorimeter Varian Cary Elipse
Together with KI:
- Elemental mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) (Agilent Technologies, model 7500 ce&cs)
- Laser ablation device (LA) (New Wave Research, model UP 213 A/F);
Together with UNG and Agricultural Institute of Slovenia:
- Liquid chromatograph Series 200 with tandem mass spectrometer 3200 Q Trap (Perkin Elmer, Applied Biosystems)
izr. prof. dr.
Gros Nataša, Assistant professor, PhD
izr. prof. dr.
Kočar Drago, Associate professor (deputy head)
prof. dr.
Kolar Mitja, Full professor, PhD (head)
prof. dr.
Kralj Cigić Irena, Full professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Pompe Matevž, Full professor, PhD,
prof. dr.
Prosen Helena, Full professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Strlič Matija, Full professor, PhD
asist. dr.
Gričar Ema
Imperl Jernej
asist. dr.
Markelj Jernej, PhD
doc. dr.
Marolt Gregor, Assistant Professor, PhD
asist. dr.
Rijavec Tjaša, PhD
asist. dr.
Robba Ana, PhD
Anžur Lana Nastja
znan. sod. dr.
Elnaggar Abdelrazek, PhD
Elrefaey Ibrahim
Grčman Matjaž
Jenič Barbara Pia
doc. dr.
Malešič Jasna, Research Fellow, PhD (supplementary)
asist. razisk. dr.
Mahgoub Hend, PhD
asist. razisk. dr.
Maraš Nenad, PhD (supplementary)
Oder Karla, PhD (supplementary)
prof. dr.
Ramšak Mojca, Full Professor, PhD
znanst. sod.
Retko Klara, Research Fellow, PhD (supplementary)
znanst. sod. dr.
Ropret Polona, Research Fellow, PhD (supplementary)
Pok Špela
Young researchers:
Dekleva Maksimiljan
asist. razisk.
Deraz Randa
Kravos Aleksander
Paolin Emma
Šijanec Ana
Professional associates: