Chair of Physical Chemistry
General Information
Chair of Physical Chemistry
Večna pot 113
1000 Ljubljana
tel.: +386 1 479 8000
prof. dr.
Reščič Jurij, Full Professor, PhD
Deputy head:
prof. dr.
Tomšič Matija, Full Professor, PhD
Educational Activities
Bologna 1st Cycle Study Programmes
Chemistry UN:
- Physical Chemistry 1
- Physical Chemistry 2
- Practical Course in Physical Chemistry
- Atomic and Molecular Structure
- Physical chemistry of liquids and solutions
- Surface and Colloid Chemistry
- Macromolecular Chemistry
Biochemistry UN:
- Physical Chemistry 1
- Physical Chemistry 2
Chemical Engineering UN:
- Chemical Thermodynamics
Technical Safety UN:
- Numerical Methods in Safety 1
Kemijska tehnologija VS:
- Practicum from Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry 1
- Physical Chemistry 2
Bologna 2nd Cycle Study Programmes
Technical Safety UN:
- Numerical Methods in Safety 2
Bologna 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programme in Chemical Sciences
- Selected topics in experimental physical chemistry
- Theoretical methods in physical chemistry
Educational Activities - Extramural Courses
Extramural Courses
Uniform Master’s Study Programme Pharmacy (Faculty of Pharmacy)
- Physical Chemistry
Bologna 1st Cycle Study Programmes (Biotechnical Faculty)
- Technological Processing
Bologna 2nd Cycle Study Programmes (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering)
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry of Polymers
Bologna 2nd Cycle Study Programmes (Biotechnical Faculty)
- Physical Chemistry
Bologna 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programme in Biosciences (UL)
- Colloid Chemistry
- Nanotechnologies and Nanobiology
Bologna 3rd Cycle Doctoral Study Programme in Biomedicine (UL)
- Biomolecular Thermodynamics
Research Activities
We deal with the studies of aqueous and non-aqueous solutions of electrolytes, polyelectrolytes, surfactants and biological polymers. Theoretic work is based on the application of methods of statistical mechanics, e.g. Ornstein—Zernik and Wertheim integral equation (HNC, PY, MSA approximation) and various computer simulation techniques (Monte Carlo method, molecular dynamics). We also deal with quantum chemistry research based on the method of molecular orbitals and theory of density functionals. At the ab initio and semi-empirical level we investigate the systems with hydrogen bond, molecular reactions of polyoxides and the mechanism of binding ligands to DNA. We develop methods based on the relationships between chemical structure and biological activity of the molecule.
In experimental work we measure small temperature changes resulting from the processes in the system. Thus we use various types of microcalorimeters, e.g. batch, flow, DSC and titration calorimeters. Other relevant research methods that we apply are: small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), UV and fluorescent spectral photometry, CD spectral polarimetry and measurements of density, osmosis pressure, ion conductivity, transport number, and others. Current studies in basic research encompass the research in hydratation of ionic and neopolar solutes, studies on properties of solutions of highly unsymmetric electrolytes and research of adsorption of electrolytes in non-ordered microporous substances. Another fields of interest are also properties of solutions of electrolytes and polyelectrolytes, interactions of polyelectrolytes with surfactants, micelisation, thermodynamics of binding ligands to DNK and thermodynamics of quadruplex DNK structures. Another important field is denaturation of proteins. By small angle X-ray scattering we study structural properties of microemulsions. We have synthesised water-soluble derivatives of fulerene which is a new type of highly asymmetric electrolyte, focussing now on their properties. We are also active in R&D of crystallisation processes.
Our research group is currently active in some international projects with NIH, USA, COST projects and some bilateral projects with foreign researchers. We have established long-term co-operation with universities and institutes from USA (UC, San Francisco), Germany (University of Regensburg), Portorico (University San Juan), Austria (Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Universität Wien), Italy (La Sapienza, Roma), Mexico (UNAM, Mexico City), Ukraine (ICMP, Lviv), Belgium (Catholic Univ. Leuven, Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Israel (University of Jerusalem), and Sweden (Lund University).
List of Research Equipment
- Nano II Differential Scanning Calorimeter II (CSC, USA)
- Nano Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA)
- UV-VIS Spektrophotometer Cary BIO 100 (Varian, Australia)
- UV-VIS Spektrophotometer Cary BIO 1 (Varian, Australia)
- UV-VIS Spektrophotometer Cary BIO 50 (Varian, Australia)
- CD Spectrometer 62A DS (Aviv, ZDA)
- Isothermal Titration Microcalorimeter VP-ITC (Microcal, USA)
- Thirteen- Node Computer Cluster Based on Quad-Core Intel Q9550 CPUs
- Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Instrument
- Fluorimeter: Luminescence Spectrometer LS 50, Perkin Elmer
- Membrane Osmometer; Knauer
- Vapour Pressure Osmometer, K-7000 Knauer
- Vibrating Tube Densimeter, DMA 5000 Paar (1 ml Cell)
- Titration Calorimeter: 227 Thermal Activity Monitor
- LKB 10700 (Flow, Batch) Calorimeter
- System for High-Performance Electrical Conductivity Measurements of Solutions (Circular Cooler LAUDA WK 1400, Thermostat LAUDA UB40 (+/- 0.003C), LCR Agilent 4284A, DM Agilent 4284A, DM Agilent 3458A Attached to Pt100, Set of Conductivity Cells
- 3D DLS Spectrometer, LS Instruments
- Differential Diffractometer DnDc 2010, Brookhaven Instruments
- TV100K Cooled Twin-Plate Mini-Gel Electrophoresis Unit & Syngen G:BOX Darkroom with a Camera
- Fluorimeter: Fluorescence Spectrometer LS 55, Perkin Elmer
- Twenty -Node Computer Cluster Based on Quad-Core Intel Core i5 2500 CPU
- Viscometer Systems (ViscoSystem AVS 370 (SI Analytics GmbH, Germany and Thermostat (Lauda ECO Silver and DLK 10, Germany)
- HPLC System Knauer
- GPGPU Nvidia Tesla C2075
izr. prof. dr.
Hadži San, Associate Professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Hribar Lee Barbara, Full Professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Jamnik Andrej, Full Professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Lah Jurij, Full Professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Lukšič Miha, Full Professor, PhD
prof. dr.
Reščič Jurij, Full Professor, PhD (head)
prof. dr.
Tomšič Matija, Full Professor, PhD (deputy head)
prof. dr.
Urbič Tomaž, Full Professor
asist. dr.
Brudar Sandi
izr. prof. dr.
Cerar Janez, Associate Professor, PhD
viš. pred. dr.
Godec Andrej, Senior Lecturer, PhD
doc. dr.
Podlipnik Črtomir, Assistant Professor, PhD
doc. dr.
Šarac Bojan, Assistant Professor, PhD
asist. dr.
Zavrtanik Uroš, PhD
Berglez Tilen, PhD
Jaklin Matej
Kalyuzhnyy Yuriy
Majdič Timotej, PhD
Medved Tadej
Prolič-Kalinšek Maruša, PhD
znan. sod. dr.
Rozman Martin, Research Fellow, PhD
asist. dr.
Tiringer Urša, PhD
Trokhymchuk Andrij
Vrhovšek Aleksander (supplementary)
Živič Zala
Young Researchers:
Professional Associates: