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6609 results found.


Photoredox catalytic transformations of pyrazoles Redox reactions, which take place after photon absorption, enable preparation and functionalization of heterocyclic compounds under mild reaction cond


S kombinacijo eksperimentalnih in teoretičnih raziskovalnih pristopov v povezavi z metodo sipanja rentgenske svetlobe in računalniškimi simulacijami smo preučevali strukturo in dinamiko različnih sist


Povzetek V tej disertaciji smo sintetizirali 13 površinsko aktivnih ionskih tekočin, surface active ionic liquids, SAILs, in njihove micelizacijske lastnosti preučevali z izotermično titracijsko kalor


Povzetek Testikani so modularni proteoglikani zunajceličnega matriksa pri vretenčarjih s širokim tkivnim spektrom izražanja. Proteinsko družino sestavljajo trije predstavniki, testikan-1, -2 in -3, ki


ABSTRACT Optimization of the crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients by using in-situ analytical techniques The process of obtaining the active pharmaceutical ingredient ticagrelor is c


Abstract Palladium catalyzed reactions represent an important field in organic chemistry. Our research group have previously reported a mesoionic palladium NHC complex [Pd(PytzNHC)2]2+ 2(BF4–) that ha


SINTEZA IN OPTIMIZACIJA AROMATSKO SUBSTITUIRANIH NESIMETRIČNIH 1,2,4,5-TETRAOKSANOV IN PEROKSIBODIPY ANALOGOV Povzetek V doktorskem delu smo predstavili nova spoznanja in poti sinteze s področja spiro


Abstract Today, Li-ion batteries are the ultimate rechargeable energy storage systems; however, after decades of improvements, the technology might reach its energy-density limits. Ca batteries repre


ABSTRACT Syntheses of angiotensin convertases TCV-116, which are used for treatment of hypertension and other related cardiovascular diseases, mostly differ in reaction sequence. In general, there is


Development of a system for treatment of wastewaters, containing antibiotic substances Abstract Due to the widespread use of antibiotics in modern society, these substances are also present in low con