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Abstract Synthesis of diversified categories of chiral secondary alcohols possessing multiple contiguous stereogenic carbon atoms, useful as chiral building blocks of complex molecules, is described.


ABSTRACT Cathepsin K is a papain-like cysteine peptidase that is expressed and secreted from osteoclasts, and is a crucial enzyme in bone resorption in vertebrates. It can cleave the triple-helical re


POVZETEK Rastlinska vrsta navadno volčje jabolko (Physalis alkekengi L.) predstavlja dober vir različnih biološko aktivnih metabolitov, zato je za varno in učinkovito uporabo potrebna podrobna karakte


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Povzetek Protitumorsko delovanje cisplatina je bilo pomembno kemijsko-farmacevtsko odkritje v šestdesetih letih 20. stol. Omogočilo je nove načine terapije rakavih obolenj, hkrati pa je cisplatin odpr


ABSTRACT Aluminium and aluminium alloys are widely used in various industrial applications in everyday life, especially due to their outstanding strength and mechanical properties in combination with


Povzetek Polimeri in polimerni materiali so pametni izumi in ena izmed gonilnih sil razvoja tehnologije dvajsetega stoletja. Danes, je težnja po prilagoditvi polimernih materialov s sposobnostjo samoc


Abstract In the present work a full description has been provided of the characteristics of EAF stainless steel (EAF S) slags and ladle slags, with regard to water cooling. It is shown that the stabil


ABSTRACT Synthetic routes for the preparation of new polymers of different architectures were designed in the context of this dissertation. The synthesized polymers were prepared for their potential a