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6608 results found.


POVZETEKMikroalge so enostavni, hitro rastoči mikroorganizmi, ki tekom procesa fotosinteze vežejo ogljikov dioksid in tvorijo energijo v obliki biomase. Predstavljajo alternativno, obnovljivo in oglji


Povzetek Raziskave na litij žveplovih (Li-S) akumulatorjih potekajo že skoraj pol stoletja, kljub temu še ta tehnologija akumulatojev ni bila širše komercializirana. Največja ovira pri komercializacij


POVZETEK Onesnaženost vodnih virov z zdravju škodljivimi nitratnimi ioni je pereč problem v večini držav po svetu, večletno spremljanje stanja podzemnih voda v Sloveniji, zlasti v aluvialnih vodonosn


POVZETEK V tem doktorskem delu so predstavljeni rezultati triletnega dela. V uvodu je predstavljeno splošno ozadje situacije: (i) opis kemijskih reakcij, do katerih prihaja v procesu, (ii) glavni tipi


Povzetek Moduli toksin-antitoksin (TA) vrste II so bakterijski genetski sistemi, ki nosijo zapis za stabilen protein toksin in nestabilen protein antitoksin. Prost toksin se veže na celično tarčo in s


ABSTRACT In this research the concept of the continuous process of sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming (SE−SMR) for pure hydrogen production was investigated. First, the structured Pt/Ni/Al2O3 p


Abstract Lithium-sulphur (Li-S) battery system has been investigated since the 1970s, but it has not been possible to commercialise them yet. Due to its complicated working mechanism and poor understa


Abstract The presented work is focused on the investigation of novel approaches applied to bismuth and antimony based electrodes together with further improvements in their electroanalytical performan


Abstract Trop-2 (Trophoblast-specific surface antigen 2) is an epithelial transmembrane glycoprotein expressed at high levels during embriogenesis and malignant transformation. Due to its abundance on


Abstract Enzymes represent a very important segment among the products of biotechnology because they are used both in food, pharmaceutical, chemical, paper, textile and cosmetics industry, and in medi