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Abstract Type II toxin-antitoxin (TA) modules are bacterial genetic systems which encode a stable toxin and an unstable antitoxin. The unbound toxin causes bacteriostasis or cell death by binding to i


Povzetek V doktorski disertaciji sem celovito okarakterizirala jeklarske žlindre EOP S in rafinacijske žlindre, s poudarkom na hitrem vodnem ohlajanju vročih žlinder kot načinom hitrejše stabilizacije


POVZETEK V okviru doktorske disertacije sem raziskoval in razvijal nove sintezne pristope za učinkovite in selektivne oksidativne transformacije organskih spojin, v skladu s principi zelene kemije za


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Abstract In the last three decades, alkyl 3-(dimethylamino)propenoates and related enaminones have been established as easily accessible building blocks for the preparation of various heterocyclic com


ABSTRACT In the frame of doctoral dissertation we conducted studies and investigations of new approaches for development of bismuth films electrodes, which are nearly two decades suitable alernatives


ABSTRACT Asphalt mix design is a procedure where the type of bitumen and optimum content for a particular aggregate blend is determined. Designed proportions of these materials with suitable physical


ABSTRACT A convenient and efficient method to introduce a halogen atom regioselectively into a methylene group of a 1,3-diketone moiety or to an activated phenyl ring of 1-phenyl-3-(3,5-dimethoxypheny


POVZETEK Optimizacija sestave asfaltne mešance je postopek, pri katerem izbrani zmesi kamnitih zrn določimo delež in vrsto bitumenskega veziva, ki bo zagotavljal mehansko stabilnost in trajnost mešani


Povzetek Živimo v času, ko potreba po električni energiji neprestano narašča. Naša odvisnost od fosilnih goriv za njeno proizvodnjo ima velik vpliv na energijske rezerve in okolje. Zato je pomembno,