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6609 results found.


Povzetek V disertaciji z naslovom Sinteza novih heterocikličnih sistemov na osnovi 3-pirazolidinona smo raziskovali možnosti sinteze novih heterocikličnih sistemov iz 3-pirazolidinonskih derivatov in


Povzetek Opisane raziskave lahko tematsko razdelimo v dva sklopa. V prvem delu smo obravnavali hidratacijo nepolarnega topljenca v enostavnem modelu vode. Termodinamične količine, ki spremljajo hidr


ABSTRACT Fruit has an important role in the human diet since they contain a lot of health beneficial compounds. One of those are antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances which slow down the oxidatio


Abstract It has been reported that 1/5 of energy globally and an average of 4.2% gross national product (GNP) is lost each year due to corrosion demage. Despite numerous studies and the enormous damag


Abstract Modified melamine (M) resins are a group of amino resins which have a wide range of uses in industrial applications. Due to their crosslinking characteristics and structural complexity modifi


POVZETEK V zadnjih desetletjih veljajo vedno večje zahteve pri iskanju novih in optimizaciji starih materialov. Priprava klasičnih materialov na osnovi fosilnih goriv in njihovih derivatov je za okolj


Povzetek Zeolitni materiali so svoj razcvet doživeli v drugi polovici prejšnjega stoletja, ko so bile odkrite njihove izjemne lastnosti pri adsorpcijskih, separacijskih in katalitskih procesih. Omenje


San Hadži, Structural and thermodynamic basis of transcription regulation of the higBA2 toxin-antitoxin module from Vibrio cholerae Toxin-antitoxin modules are small bacterial operons (genetic systems


Abstract In my doctoral thesis I was dealing with electrochemical characterization of electrocatalysts for potential use in low temperature fuel cell. The first part of research involves the usage of


ABSTRACT Atorvastatin is a synthetic member of the drug class known as statins, which are used primarily as cholesterole-lowering agents. Therapy is usually long term therefore, it is one of the key p