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Povzetek V doktorskem delu opisujem pripravo čistih raztopin divodikovega trioksida (HOOOH), brez prisotnih kontaminantov, česar pri dosedaj znanih metodah priprave HOOOH ni bilo mogoče doseči. Razvi


ABSTRACT It was discovered in the 1960s that the cisplatin molecule exhibits excellent anticancer properties.1 After the discovery many scientists focused on different platinum complexes.5 The main st


Povzetek Že v šestdesetih letih se je za litij-žveplove (Li-S) akumulatorje domnevalo, da bi lahko bili obetaven sistem za shranjevanje električne energije. Žveplo je poceni in v naravi lahko dostopno


Abstract This doctoral thesis presents the application of silicon dioxide particles for the finishing of textiles and batteries. The study is focused on the growth of silicon dioxide on the surface of


Abstract (Novel methods of dihydrogen trioxide preparation and its use in oxidation of organic compounds) The thesis describes the preparation of pure dihydrogen trioxide (HOOOH) solutions, free from


ABSTRACT In the recent years, increasing demands have arisen to develop new and/or optimize existing materials. The production and usage of the conventional petroleum-based materials are very damaging


POVZETEK S presejalnimi TLC analizami sem pokazala, da predstavljajo različne vrste zelenjave (bučke, jajčevci, paradižnik, rdeča paprika, blitva, špinača, solata “berivka”, radič “Castelfranco”, rdeč


POVZETEK Atorvastatin je sintezni predstavnik statinov, učinkovin za omejevanje lastne sinteze holesterola v jetrih. Terapija se izvaja dolgoročno, zato je eden od ključnih parametrov poleg učinkovito


ABSTRACT The objective of this dissertation was to develop prediction models for some important physico-chemical properties and an analytical method for determination of organic compounds in atmospher


The synthesis of novel heterocyclic systems based on 3-pyrazolidinones Abstract In disertation The synthesis of novel heterocyclic systems based on 3-pyrazolidinones, we investigated possibility of s