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Abstract The purpose of this dissertation work was to thoroughly investigate CuO-CeO2 materials as catalysts for N2O decomposition reaction. Solids were synthesized by advanced preparation techniques


Abstract Cellular prion protein (PrPC) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored glycoprotein present on the outside leaflet of the cellular membrane of the most cell types in mammals. Despite the fa


Abstract Monitoring and determination of glutathione content and thiol precursors in grape and wine is important aspect of viticulture and winemaking, but appropriate analytical methods have to be dev


Jasna Koglot, Določanje težkih kovin v odpadnih blatih čistilnih naprav. Magistrsko delo. Univerza v Ljubljani, FKKT, Univerzitetni podiplomski študijski program Varstvo okolja POVZETEK Odpadno blato


Abstract In the present PhD thesis three methods for the optical detection of biogenic amines (BA) are presented. The first system is based on the optical detection of BA in an alkaline medium with th


RAVNANJE Z MULJI V INTEGRIRANI PROIZVODNJI RECIKLIRANIH VLAKNIN IN PAPIRJEV POVZETEK V integrirani proizvodnji grafičnih papirjev in recikliranih vlaknin po de-inking postopku nastaja veliko muljev oz


Abstract We have developed new synthetic methodologies for the preparation of novel camphor derived 1,2-, 1,3- and 1,4-diamine building blocks. From these diamine building blocks, novel bifunctional t


Abstract Experimental and theoretical results for the enthalpies of mixing, the enthalpies of dilution, conductance and transference numbers of alkali, alkaline earth and tetraalkylammonium polyanetho


Povzetek V doktorski disertaciji smo pripravili delce ZnO, ki so imeli različne velikosti in oblike, po enoin dvo-stopenjskem sinteznem postopku z obarjanjem iz raztopin cinkovega nitrata po dodatku b


Povzetek Povzetek Mg akumulatorji so, zaradi odsotnosti dendritske morfologije odlaganja Mg ter visoke gravimetrične (2206 mAh/g) in volumetrične (3832 mAh/cm3) kapacitete Mg kovinske anode, ena izme