
Sanacija fasade na UL FKKT

Spoštovane študentke, spoštovani študenti,

bliža se 1. oktober, ko se boste nekateri prvič, drugi ponovno podali v študijske klopi in naše laboratorije. Pred prihodom na fakulteto vas želimo obvestiti, da na stavbah Fakultete za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo UL (FKKT UL) in Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko UL (FRI UL) poteka sanacija fasade. V času izvedbe del bodo stavbe obdajali delovni odri in varnostni trakovi, ki označujejo območje gradbišča. Vljudno vas prosimo, da v času sanacije ne vstopate na območje gradbišča tako na strani FKKT UL kot na strani FRI UL, saj boste s tem poskrbeli za vašo varnost in varnost drugih.

Veselimo se že vašega skorajšnjega prihoda na fakulteto.



Dear Students,

As October 1st approaches, some of you will be starting your studies for the first time, while others will be returning to the lecture halls and our laboratories. Before you come to the faculty, we would like to inform you that façade renovation is currently underway at the buildings of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (FKKT UL) and the Faculty of Computer and Information Science (FRI UL) at the University of Ljubljana. During the work, the buildings will be surrounded by scaffolding and safety tapes marking the construction areas. We kindly ask you not to enter the construction zones, both on the FKKT UL and FRI UL sides, as this will ensure your safety and the safety of others.

We look forward to your arrival at the faculty.