
Rezultati iskanja

7484 najdenih rezultatov.


ABSTRACT In my PhD thesis, I investigated the importance of singlet oxygen and hydrotrioxy radicals in the chemical transformation of aerosols. Chemical transformations involving singlet oxygen were s


Polyimides as organic cathode materials for magnesium batteries Mg batteries are promising post-Li battery technology due to their improved safety, volumetric capacity, price and abundance. It has bee


Poliimidi kot organski katodni materiali za magnezijeve akumulatorje Magnezijevi (Mg) akumulatorji so obetavni nasledniki litijevih (Li) akumulatorjev zaradi izboljšane varnosti, volumetrične kapacite


Uporaba sodobnih slikovnih orodij pri masnospektroskopski analizi po vzorčenju z lasersko ablacijo Povzetek Delo, predstavljeno v tej doktorski nalogi, podrobno opisuje utemeljitev, razvoj in končno u


I. Povzetek Preučevali smo vpliv terminalnih koncev oligonukleotidov in narave prisotnih kationov na zvijanje in multimerizacijo G-kvadrupleksov do dolgih nanostruktur, G-žičk. Uporaba terminalnih G


I. Abstract We studied how oligonucleotides’ terminal ends and nature of present cations influence formation and multimerization of G-quadruplexes to long nanostructures, Gwires. Terminal GC ends in


ABSTRACT Antibodies and recombinant active substances of the second generation, which also include the Fcfusion protein, represent a high percentage of the global market of biologically active substan


Multiscale modelling of chemical and biochemical processes in microfluidic devices Filip Strniša Flow devices used in chemistry and chemical manufacturing, that have at least one dimension smaller th


Abstract The activity of several cytosolic proteins critically depends on the concentration of calcium ions. One of the most important intracellular calcium-sensing proteins is α-actinin-1, the major


POVZETEK Onesnaževanje okolja je ena od najbolj značilnih negativnih človekovih dejavnosti. Kritične so zlasti emisije različnih škodljivih snovi, med katerimi so še posebej pomembne težke kovine. Po