
Rezultati iskanja

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Abstract Palladium catalyzed reactions represent an important field in organic chemistry. Our research group have previously reported a mesoionic palladium NHC complex [Pd(PytzNHC)2]2+ 2(BF4–) that ha


SINTEZA IN OPTIMIZACIJA AROMATSKO SUBSTITUIRANIH NESIMETRIČNIH 1,2,4,5-TETRAOKSANOV IN PEROKSIBODIPY ANALOGOV Povzetek V doktorskem delu smo predstavili nova spoznanja in poti sinteze s področja spiro


Abstract Today, Li-ion batteries are the ultimate rechargeable energy storage systems; however, after decades of improvements, the technology might reach its energy-density limits. Ca batteries repre


ABSTRACT Syntheses of angiotensin convertases TCV-116, which are used for treatment of hypertension and other related cardiovascular diseases, mostly differ in reaction sequence. In general, there is


Development of a system for treatment of wastewaters, containing antibiotic substances Abstract Due to the widespread use of antibiotics in modern society, these substances are also present in low con


S kombinacijo eksperimentalnih in teoretičnih raziskovalnih pristopov v povezavi z metodo sipanja rentgenske svetlobe in računalniškimi simulacijami smo preučevali strukturo in dinamiko različnih sist


Abstract An economical and efficient production process of enantioselective synthesis of esomeprazole with an enzyme-catalyzed pyrmetazole oxidation reaction to esomeprazole and crystallization of eso


ABSTRACT Analytical methods for the determination of phenolic compounds in propolis and plant materials were developed. Most of our research was focused on rhizomes of invasive alien plant species Jap


POVZETEK Preučevanje vloge kovinskih ionov v telesu je izjemnega pomena, saj ti uravnavajo mnoge biološke funkcije. Poleg tega so v klinični rabi mnoge zdravilne učinkovine za terapevtske in diagnosti


Abstract The development of a chromatographic method often involves a trial-and-error approach until the set criteria are met. The advantage of such a tactic is the development of an adequate method i