
Rezultati iskanja

7484 najdenih rezultatov.


ABSTRACT Advanced oxidation processes represent the most appropriate solution for the treatment of wastewaters which are contaminated with non-biodegradable and toxic substances, since in this case bi


Abstract The thesis represents a journey towards the development of a new multimodal approach enabling construction of two dimensional elemental and molecular images relative to their location and dis


Transportni pojavi in povečevanje reaktorja pri pirolizi odpadnih gum in plastičnih mas Povzetek V doktorski disertaciji z naslovom Transportni pojavi in povečevanje reaktorja pri pirolizi odpadnih g


Povzetek Čeprav so se komercialni litij-ionski akumulatorji izkazali kot zelo uspešni, ostaja splošno povpraševanje po novih pozitivnih in negativnih elektrodnih materialih za proizvodnjo naslednjih g


Povzetek V zadnjem času so gorivne celice vzbudile precejšnje zanimanje, saj predstavljajo osnovo za tržni prodor vodikovih tehnologij, ki so precej bolj čiste od konvencionalnih naprav za pretvorbo


Povzetek Osnovni namen mojega dela sta bili sinteza in strukturna analiza nikljevih in kobaltovih kompleksov s piridil substituiranimi alhoholi (enostavnimi piridinskimi alkoholi). Te enostavne, komer


ABSTRACT Due to their extraordinary colour properties, like wide range nuances and high values of colour strength, organic pigments are widely used in paint industry. However, at present their applica


Abstract Poly(thiophene-3-ylacetic acid) (PTAA) was synthesised and characterised. Sample of PTAA was dissolved in different alkaline hydroxides solutions. Degree of neutralisation was set to a level


Abstract In my PhD thesis, I studied the ligno-cellulosic (LC) biomass conversion into liquid products. The applied thermochemical conversion technique included the liquefaction of biomass by depolym


SUMMARY Aluminium and its alloys are important technological materials, especially in applications which require light and high strength materials. Various surface treatments on aluminium and its allo