
Rezultati iskanja

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RAVNANJE Z MULJI V INTEGRIRANI PROIZVODNJI RECIKLIRANIH VLAKNIN IN PAPIRJEV POVZETEK V integrirani proizvodnji grafičnih papirjev in recikliranih vlaknin po de-inking postopku nastaja veliko muljev oz


Abstract We have developed new synthetic methodologies for the preparation of novel camphor derived 1,2-, 1,3- and 1,4-diamine building blocks. From these diamine building blocks, novel bifunctional t


Abstract Experimental and theoretical results for the enthalpies of mixing, the enthalpies of dilution, conductance and transference numbers of alkali, alkaline earth and tetraalkylammonium polyanetho


Povzetek V doktorski disertaciji smo pripravili delce ZnO, ki so imeli različne velikosti in oblike, po enoin dvo-stopenjskem sinteznem postopku z obarjanjem iz raztopin cinkovega nitrata po dodatku b


Povzetek Povzetek Mg akumulatorji so, zaradi odsotnosti dendritske morfologije odlaganja Mg ter visoke gravimetrične (2206 mAh/g) in volumetrične (3832 mAh/cm3) kapacitete Mg kovinske anode, ena izme


Abstract Studies presented in this work can be divided into two main topics. In the first part we considered the hydration of nonpolar solutes in a simple water model. Thermodynamical and structural p


ABSTRACT In pharmacy, sweeteners are used as excipients, which are important ingredients of various pharmaceutical forms. Excipient is every ingredient that is not an active substance and is present i


Povzetek Modificirane melaminske (M) smole so skupina aminskih smol, ki se uporablja v kemijski industriji. Zaradi njihovih zamreževalnih lastnosti in kompleksnosti struktur predstavljajo modificirane


Abstract Increasing global energy demand requires high energy density batteries for which the replacement of intercalation or conversion anodes with lithium metal is a crucial step towards batteries w


Izvleček Litij žveplovi akumulatorji so eden najobetavnejših kandidatov za prevzem primata litij ionskim akumulatorjem na področju shranjevanja energije, saj jih odlikujejo številne zaželene lastnosti