
Rezultati iskanja

7484 najdenih rezultatov.


Abstract Chronic inflammatory bowel disease, defined as recurrent inflammation of bowel, has spread to a global disease with increasing incidence in industrialized countries over the last century. The


POVZETEK Obstajajo različni pristopi za razvoj kromatografskih metod pri reverznofazni tekočinski kromatografiji. Poleg tradicionalnega pristopa »poskus-napaka« lahko uporabljamo tudi različno program


Odstranjevanje adsorberji nečistoč z ionsko-izmenjevalnimi membranskimi Kontinuirna kromatografija za čiščenje bioloških zdravil predstavlja eno izmed bolj zanimivih pristopov v farmacevtski indu


ABSTRACT This thesis is aimed to describe several aspects and stages in the development of palladium catalytic systems through several case studies connected to functionalization of terminal acetylene


POVZETEK Narava je tekom evolucije uporabila le del konformacijskega prostora, ki je na voljo polipeptidnim molekulam. Z načrtovanjem sintetičnih proteinov je mogoče ta nepreizkušen prostor načrtno pr


Abstract In the future, low-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) are expected to compete and eventually replace conventional internal combustion engines in the automotive industry.


Abstract In the doctoral thesis, two areas of the use of ZnO-based catalysts are presented. The first area involves the preparation of modified ZnO-based materials that have proven to be rather effect


Abstract Current production of adipic acid (one of the most important monomer building blocks in the polymer industry) is based on the nearly 80-year-old oxidation process of cyclohexane, producing en


Doktorski študij Varstvo okolja – 3. stopnja ABSTRACT The purpose of this dissertation was to scope the available international statistical data on waste in order to explore the possibilities of the


Povzetek Kronična vnetna črevesna bolezen, ki jo opredelimo kot ponavljajoče vnetje črevesa, se je v zadnjem stoletju razširila v globalno bolezen z naraščajočo pojavnostjo v industrijsko razvitih drž